The Basics Behind Tanksley’s Auto Body Paint Services
When paint fades or a scratch or chip appears, a vehicle’s appearance can falter. Fortunately, many drivers are able to return their vehicles to like-new conditions by having them repainted. During the repaint process, the staff here at Tanksley’s Auto Body Paint Shop will apply paint durable enough to stand up to extreme weather conditions and general outside wear. When a vehicle is repainted, a new primer is laid down as a foundation. The primer will protect the vehicle from weather, chips, scratches, and corrosion. In addition, the primer will level the vehicle’s surface and make it easy for the paint to stick. The base coat usually follows the primer. The base coat may be solid or metallic. Solid paint is used for color and metallic paint for shine. Finally, a clear coat should be added to protect the fresh layer of paint. After a repaint, your vehicle’s appearance will turn heads once again.
Why Choose Tanksley’s Auto Body Paint / Re-Paint Services?
We proudly service the Vehicle Repaint needs of customers in Springdale, AR, Fayetteville, AR, Rogers, AR, and surrounding Northwest Arkansas areas.